Mantra, Meditation, Movement, Mudra & Melukat

Venue Details
Mantra, Meditation, Movement, Mudra & Melukat
September 24th – 28th 2025 in Bali
Mantra, Meditation, Movement, Mudra & Melukat
-tools for life’s challenges
with Ida Resi Alit
This retreat is an introduction to dharma sadhana, or spiritual practice, as taught in the Balinese Hindu tradition. Ida Resa Alit formulated what she calls the M practices with the desire to make these ancient teachings accessible to newcomers and people of all backgrounds and persuasions. Her approach offers tools and practices to assist us in all areas of life, from down-to-earth, every day preoccupations, to spiritual aspirations.
Life in this fast-paced digital era can at times feel overwhelming, full of challenges and uncertainty. But the traditional wisdom and spiritual path of the Balinese is just as valid today as is has been for centuries. By making good personal choices, we’re empowered to live purposeful, harmonious and happy lives.
Practicing the 5 Ms
Mantras: these sounds which are rhythmic repetition of words allow our mind to focus, and stops it wandering, by keeping it on a fixed track. As a tool for practice, mantra is supremely useful for calming the mind – as a result, it helps us feel grounded and free from anxiety. Mantras can also be energizing, since the vibration of their sound affects our cells and nervous system.
Mudras: Mudras are specific postures and poses, especially for the hands, that make use of the connection that exists between the mind, emotions and gestures. We are all intuitively aware of this connection – clenching our fists, for example, can be a sign of anger, and wringing our hands can be indicative of stress and anxiety. Mudras also act as “seals” (the Sanskrit word mudra means “seal”), to stop us leaking energy, particularly mental energy through mental agitation and negativity.
Meditation: Meditation is often misunderstood and seen as supremely challenging, because it can feel so difficult to just sit still in silence. Meditation is the practice of being comfortable with what arises in this moment. Whereas in every day life we are so easily drawn into struggle and reaction – to circumstances, other people, what we see on the news – meditation gives us the precious opportunity to be in agreement, even just for a few minutes, with the world, both inner and outer.
Melukat: The word melukat refers to the Balinese tradition of water purification, a sacred ritual that effectively provides a form of emotional cleansing. Melukat ceremonies harness the power of pure, cool water, straight from Mother Earth – it soothes and invigorates us, while symbolically cleansing us of negative emotions and obscurations.
Movement: Mindful movement keeps our awareness fully in the body – we connect with physical sensations, we inhabit our bodies consciously and are less likely to get caught up in our minds. Life energy needs to keep moving for us to stay healthy – when it stagnates or gets blocked, it can cause illness. Conversely, movement can be used therapeutically – to release blockages and tension, dispel negativity stored in the body and to energize us.
About Ida Resi Alit
Ida Resi is one of a tiny minority of Balinese high priestesses, in a tradition largely shaped by male Ida Pedanda. The retreat experience we offer is absolutely unique, and an extraordinary opportunity to learn from a great teacher and healer. Ida’s journey to becoming a high priestess is straight out of a storybook —she rose to the position from humble beginnings, born into a family with no connection to a lineage of Hindu priests. Her deep calling and an unwavering devotion are what carried her this far.
With a profound commitment to sharing the ancient wisdom of Bali, Ida embodies and continues to deepen the teachings she has received, also contributing her own spiritual insights. Her passion for guiding others shines through in every aspect of her offerings.
Ida will lead participants through morning, afternoon, and evening sessions inspired by the essence of her teachings, lovingly distilled into the 5 M’s: Mantra, Mudra, Movement, Meditation, and Melukat. These are practices that Ida has woven into her daily life, giving participants the chance to build personal transformative practices that can be shared with families, communities, and students.
The retreat will be held in a serene and secluded property – participants will be housed in beautifully designed accommodations, and enjoying wholesome, organic meals that nourish both body and soul.
Space is intentionally limited to create a truly immersive experience.
For further information, bank transfer details, room rates and payment links please contact us:
whatsapp: +62 811 3860 855