
Venue Details
Get Clarity, Make it Your Reality
Haven’t been able to achieve what you want in your life? Whether in relationships, work, finances, or self-fulfilment - the reason is that you are only trying consciously. Your subconscious mind plays a huge role. Learn how to use ‘THE MOST POWERFUL’ tool—‘YOUR MIND’—to manifest your dream life by harnessing both the conscious and, especially, the subconscious states of mind. These sessions will cover multiple aspects required to transform your life.
Payal is a clinical hypnotherapist and spiritual growth guide, offering introspective and inspiring sessions in Dubai and now in Bali. These group sessions work not only through your conscious but especially your subconscious mind, providing a step-by-step guide toward reaching your true mental and spiritual potential.
What You Can Expect:
- A change in perspective
- Mastery of your subconscious mind
- Connection with the quantum field
- Deepened self-connection
- Higher frequency
- Clarity in your thoughts and vision
- Spiritual growth
MANIFEST: Get Clarity & Make It Your Reality
- Understanding how manifestation works and why it might not be working for you
- Gaining clarity and vision about what you want to manifest
- Cleansing and removing emotional or energy blockages in your subconscious that are holding you back
- Practicing to see and feel your manifestation as a reality in your cellular memory
Please note that the ticket cannot be cancelled, modified or refunded after purchase.
- Please don't bring your dog to Udara.
- in order to get the discounted price, participants have to show their KTP or valid KITAS upon check-in at Udara on the event date.
- As an "adults-only resort" the minimum age for staying at Udara and visiting our facilities is 14 years.
- For special events, doors close 15 minutes after start and latecomers will not be accepted. Tickets will not be refunded if you show up too late.
- Limited Access for 30 Person Only!
- Reservation required