Unlock Energetic Mastery: A Three-Day Immersive Exploration

08:30am, Fri 22nd Mar 2024 - 06:00pm, Sun 24th Mar
This event has already taken place

Venue Details

Retreat Center in central Ubud
Jl. Nyuh Bojog Desa MAS, Kecamatan Ubud
Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali, 80571

Unlock Energetic Mastery: A Three-Day Immersive Exploration

08:30am, Fri 22nd Mar 2024 - 06:00pm, Sun 24th Mar 2024

Embark on a Tantric Journey: Unleash the Full Spectrum of Your Inner Energy, Forge Deep Connections, and Experience Personal Awakening


📅 March 22-24 | 📍 Eco Resort, Central Ubud


A Condensed Journey to the Core of Your Being

Embark on a transformative three-day Tantric retreat designed to deepen your connection with self and others, enhance your awareness of subtle energies, and foster personal transformation. Each day is structured with immersive sessions from morning till evening, blending ancient Tantric practices with contemporary insights for a truly unique experience.


🧍Day 1: Awaken Your Inner Energy

Dive deep into the essence of your being to awaken and harness the vibrant energy within. Through targeted practices, unlock the pathways to inner vitality and embark on a journey of self-discovery.

👭 Day 2: Harmonize in Connection

Explore the art of energetic exchange and deepen your connections with others. Engage in enriching partner exercises that reveal the power of shared energy and the beauty of interpersonal harmony.

🪐 Day 3: Unite with the Cosmic Flow

Elevate your experience to a universal scale, feeling the profound unity with the cosmos. Embrace meditations that transcend the individual, linking your essence to the divine flow of the universe and all existence.



Daily Itinerary Highlights:

  • Morning meditations to awaken the body and mind

  • Interactive sessions for deepening connections

  • Evening reflections to integrate your experiences



Your Facilitators: 

Valentina: A fusion of yoga and active meditation teacher and psychologist, Valentina merges modern psychology with ancient Eastern practices for a truly transformative experience. With a decade's exploration of body-mind-energy interconnections, she guides individuals toward discovering their inner strength and vitality, making every experience an adventure in personal growth and self-discovery.

Swami Ritam: A visionary tantra teacher, Ritam offers a path to transformation through ancient wisdom and modern practices. Trained by Ma Ananda Sarita, he specializes in making deep spiritual connections accessible, guiding individuals to awaken their vitality and achieve emotional healing in a supportive, inclusive space.


Reasons to Join:

  • Active Tantric Meditations: Awaken your energy for clarity and vitality.

  • Partner Exercises: Deepen connections with trust and openness.

  • Energy Awareness: Tune into and master your inner energies.

  • Community Building: Join a supportive network of like-minded individuals.




8:30 - Registration (only on day 1)
9:00 - Morning Session (with short breaks)
13:00 - Lunch (paid separately)
14:00 - Afternoon session (with short breaks)
18:00 - Closing


What to bring:

  • Yoga outfit (or something you feel comfortable to dance, move and sweat in)

  • Relaxed & beautiful clothes for group practices

    • ✅ In any warm colours

    • ❌ No black

  • 1 White outfit for ritual

  • Blindfold

  • 2 Sarongs

  • Water bottle

  • Notebook and pen


What is included?

  • Full-day group process guided by two teachers

  • Props for practice

  • Drinking water


What is NOT included in the ticket price?

  • Flight tickets to Bali

  • Accommodation during the retreat

  • Lunch/beverages (except water)



What past participants say about our retreats:

Everything You Need to Know

1. Is this event suitable for beginners who have no experience in Tantra?
Absolutely! This workshop is perfect for anyone interested in exploring the world of Tantra, regardless of prior experience. Our experienced facilitators will guide you through the principles and practices of Tantra at a pace that suits your level of understanding.

2. What are the guidelines for physical touch during the event?
Physical touch at the event will be restricted to non-genital areas. Activities will involve physical touch, such as partnered meditations, breathwork, and dancing. All activities are designed with respect for personal boundaries, and a support team will be present to address any concerns or boundary violations. The event's priority is the safety and comfort of all participants.

3. How can I convey my boundaries to others at the event?
We prioritize the safety and comfort of all participants. You will be guided on how to communicate your personal boundaries and preferences before each exercise, and a support team will be present to address any concerns or boundary violations.

4. How will partners be chosen for touch-based activities?
Couples have the option to work together. For single participants, partners will be assigned randomly, with occasional opportunities to choose a partner if the interest is mutual. Trust that you will be paired with a suitable partner for each exercise, and remember that all activities respect personal boundaries. If you feel uneasy with your assigned partner, please inform the support team who will ensure your safety and comfort.

5. As a single person, how can this event benefit my relationships?
This event offers an opportunity to cultivate self-intimacy and awareness, which are essential foundations for any relationship. By exploring your own boundaries, desires, and communication abilities, you gain a deeper understanding of your expectations and needs in future partnerships. The partner activities also encourage trust and connection, which can enrich your future relationships. Overall, this event provides a secure and supportive environment for personal growth and self-discovery, benefiting both your present and future relationships.

6. I'm not sure I feel ready or confident enough to participate in such an event. How can I overcome this hesitancy?
It's natural to experience uncertainty when faced with new experiences. Our Tantra retreat is a safe and supportive space where you can confront fears, insecurities, and perceived limitations at your own pace, guided by experienced facilitators. Trust in the process, as sometimes the moments we feel the least prepared for can lead to the most profound growth and transformation.

7. What's the difference between this tantra event and other meditation or spiritual workshops?
Our Tantra event combines ancient wisdom with contemporary insights, cultivating deep connections with oneself, others, and the universe. Beyond meditation and spirituality, it also includes breathwork, conscious movement, and exercises for developing personal boundaries and sensitivity.

8. How can I be sure that this event will be beneficial for my personal and emotional growth?
Participating in a Tantra retreat provides an opportunity to engage with like-minded individuals in a supportive environment and delve into exercises designed to foster self-intimacy, awareness, and personal growth. Past participants often report profound transformations in their personal lives and relationships post-retreat.

Don't Miss Out: Reserve Your Spot Today!

Spaces are limited, and our Early Bird special is ending soon. Join us for this unique exploration of Energy through Tantric practices.


Have Questions or Special Requests?

We're here to make your journey as smooth and personalized as possible. If you have any questions about the retreat or specific requests to enhance your experience, please don't hesitate to reach out to us on WhatsApp. Our team is ready to assist you with any needs or concerns to ensure your time with us is unforgettable.

Text Valentina on Telegram

We look forward to connecting with you and making your retreat experience truly special.

Venue Details

Retreat Center in central Ubud
Jl. Nyuh Bojog Desa MAS, Kecamatan Ubud
Kabupaten Gianyar, Bali, 80571