Venue Details
Hosted by Gigi Courau ~ Medicine Womban
"Enjoy the liberation of Your Authentic Self Expression through vocal flow activation and womb connection"
♡ Vocal Flow Activation
♡ Womb Awakening
♡ Medicine Songs & Chants
♡ Playfulness & Deep Connection
♡ Sacred Sisterhood
Unleash your Raw Voice as a healing instrument that can help you break through difficult emotions and limiting beliefs, tap into your intuition and the uniqueness of "sounding".
Discover how natural, organic and self-empowering can be to tone, hum or chant sacred songs.
At first, Gigi ~ Medicine Womban will gently guide you in a womb meditation, with Breathwork and some powerful vocal exercises that can help you clear stuck energies or blocks, especially in your womb, heart & throat chakra.
Then , you will experience the calmness, centeredness, and confidence that sounding your voice can provide, allowing yourself to be playful yet profound, immersed into a “womb sound-frequency” and discover your divine gifts!
𓄂𓆃 Meet GIGI COURAU ~Medicine Womban. Gigi is a gifted artist "Vocal & Sound Alchemist", wellness practitioner and intuitive healer, but it's her passion for creating a safe and nurturing environment for women to freely express themselves and transform their lives that makes her truly remarkable. Her focus is on healing the feminine lineage, and she uses a variety of techniques to support women in their Womb Awakening Process. The main holistic therapies she offers include Guided Meditations & Breathwork; Bodywork & Energy Healing; Medicine Music/ Innerdance/ Inner Journeys & Shaktivation Dance.
DATE: Every Tuesday, start from DEC 19th | 11:00 AM to 1.00 PM
PLACE: 🐉Dragon Tea Temple🐉
✨ 10:30 PM: Sacred space opens
✨ 11:00 PM: Ceremony Begin
Presale: 200K | At the door 250K
Tickets available at Dragon Tea Temple & Megatix
(More detailed bio)
Gigi Courau is the founder of "Medicine Womban Mystery School''. She is dedicated to healing the feminine lineage and to creating safe environments for authentic expression, growth, and deep transformation, where healing happens organically and powerfully.
Gigi supports women in their Womb Awakening Process, providing them with insights, guidance, and integration tools to help them overcome trauma, expand consciousness, and live their lives with more ease, freedom and bliss.
Gigi is a multi-talented artist, a passionate dancer, songwriter and sound alchemist. As an intuitive compassionate healer, medium and soul counselor, Gigi uses a combination of modalities/ techniques plus embodied practices (listed below), and integrates them into her unique offerings.
☆ Guided Meditations & Breathwork
☆ Bodywork & Energy Healing
☆ Voice & Medicine Music
☆ Innerdance / Inner Journeys /Self-Awakening Process
☆ Sound Healing
☆ Channeling Spirit Guides
☆ Authentic Movement / Contact Dance
☆ Authentic Relating & Authentic Communication
☆ Art Therapy: painting, intuitive writing, dance
💖 Womb Clearing & Healing
💖 Vocal Flow Activation
💖 Emotional Trauma Release (through Breath, Sound & Movement)
💖 Sound Journeys
💖 Shaktivation Dance: Embodiment of the Divine Feminine Power
💖 Egyptian Tantric Practices & Chants
💖 Moon & Shamanic Rituals
💖 Cacao Ceremonies & Facilitation Training
💖 Medicine Womban Mentorship & Training