Yoga Satsang and Kirtan

Multiple Sessions
This event has already taken place

Venue Details

Jl. Penestanan Kelod Jl. Penestanan No.8, Sayan, Kecamatan Ubud
Gianyar, Bali, 80571

Yoga Satsang and Kirtan

Multiple Sessions

Yoga Satsang and Kirtan

Every Thursday
Talks on Yoga Sutras of Patanjali

“Transmission of Traditional Yoga through Yoga Sutras and Mantra Chanting”

Immerse in the Eternal Wisdom of Patanjali’s Yoga Sutras with the Power Mantra

This is the first talk on the Yoga Sutra Series where Risi SriVaso will be explaining the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali in details with their practical application in our lives. Direct transmission of Yoga Vidya, knowledge through talks, chanting and meditating upon them.

Yoga Sutras of Patanjali are classical texts on the subject of Yoga which describes in details the practical, meditative and spiritual aspects of Yoga.

What is a Satsang?

The word "Satsang" is composed of two parts: "Sat," which means truth or true, and "Sanga," which means association or gathering or being in the company of. Together, Satsang translates to "association with truth" or "gathering in the company of the truth."

Satsang is a Sanskrit term that is commonly used in the context of spiritual gatherings, especially in Sanatana dharma and yogic traditions. In a Satsang, conscious individuals come together to engage in spiritual practices, such as meditation, chanting, singing devotional songs (bhajans), listening to spiritual discourses, and sharing insights about their spiritual journey.

Satsang creates a supportive and uplifting environment where participants can deepen their understanding of spiritual truths, find inspiration, and strengthen their connection to their inner selves and the divine. Satsang is not limited to any specific religion or belief system and it is open to people of all faiths and backgrounds.

It is often guided by a spiritual teacher or guru who shares wisdom, teachings, and experiences to help the participants on their spiritual path. The energy and collective focus on truth and spiritual growth in a Satsang create a powerful atmosphere that can be profoundly transformative and uplifting for participants. It is an opportunity to find solace, gain clarity, and experience a sense of unity with others on the spiritual journey.

Satsangs are considered a precious opportunity to move closer to one's true self and the higher reality beyond the material world.

About Risi:

Risi was born in a traditional Hindu family which was very connected to the system of Tantra and Yoga. That gave him the opportunity to learn Sanskrit, the spiritual scriptures and the inner science from an early age. He spent lots of time in different Ashrams and absorbed the original forms of Yoga.

Later he studied and worked in J. Krishnamurti’s school. This gave him a deep understanding about the network of thought and the way out of it through awakening the capacity to just observe and listen to one’s mind without any judgement and identification. Risi then went on to study under the guidance of Yoga Masters from south India such as K. Pattabhi Jois and B.K.S. Iyengar. He stayed with B.K.S. Iyengar, who had a big influence on his Yoga journey. He worked with his Yoga guru Iyengar and helped him in his medical therapy classes with a team of other doctors. Risi travelled to Europe, America and some Asian countries extensively and taught Yoga.

He is a life long disciple of the enlightened master Osho and spent several years in Osho’s community. According to Risi, the radical transformation in his being started taking place during ‘Work as Meditation’ at Osho’s Ashram. As Osho says- ‘You work for me and I’ll work on you’. This statement started manifesting in Risi’s life. He describes the process as rewiring of his whole physical and energetic system to a higher template based on inner ecstasy.

His yoga Guru Mr. Iyengar requested him to start a Yoga School in India in 2013, which still runs under his guidance in Goa.

It is Risi’s passion to bring to people’s awareness the fact that the twin systems of Tantra and Yoga have never really been separate. They are two aspects of “Sanatana Dharma”, the eternal flow of truth.

Instagram : @tantrayogabali

DATE: EVERY MONDAY | 2023 | 5.00 PM to 8.00 PM
PLACE: 🐉Dragon Tea Temple🐉

✨ 5:15 : Open Door
✨ 5:30 - 5:40 - Mantra Chanting 
✨ 5:40 - 6:10 - Talks on Yoga Sutras 
✨ 5 mins break
✨ 6:15 - 6:30 - Mantra Chanting 
✨ 6:30 - 7:15 - Talks and Q&A
✨ 7:15 - 8:00 - Kirtan

Early Bird : 150K | Presale 200K

Tickets available at Dragon Tea Temple & Megatix :

Venue Details

Jl. Penestanan Kelod Jl. Penestanan No.8, Sayan, Kecamatan Ubud
Gianyar, Bali, 80571